Hi there everybody. I hope that we all had a good Christmas, and wish you all the best for a happy and hopefully propsperous new year.
Although the phot is not particularly appropriate at this time of year, I thought I would include it, if nothing else to add a bit of cheer and hasten on the winter months. It is not a superb composition, but I was quite taken with the reflection, and thought the craft was quite aptly named as "Glistening Horizon". It was taken during the late summer on the Norfolk Broads at Irstead.
Anyway, it was good to speak with Dylan and Chil on Christmas day, and wish you all the best for the coming year. It is good to see all that is going on with the blog, and Bill, I hope you manage to find another five fingers to make up a dirty hand at the earliest opportunity.
Best wishes
Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas from all of us in Newcastle-Under-Lyme.
...there was a veritable moutain of wrapped presents here last night.
these rainy days start over and over again...
some yuletide flowers
post prandial pair
lobsters for lunch