Things have been pretty crazy here so I haven't had time to post. Here's some pictures from Johanna's visit to Toronto this summer, even though we're well into fall.

This is the sound and light show projected onto the parliament buildings in Ottawa each night over the summer. It's so good it makes you feel patriotic even if you're not Canadian... Chil started humming "Oh, Canada" afterwards!

First Nation's art from the Museum of Civilization

This is the inside of the basilica in the old french quarter on Montreal. We were lucky enough to visit during the annual international fireworks festival. Every Saturday and Wednesday night through the summer a different country competes with a display. We saw the awesome Australia

Quebeckers are a bit different from the rest of Canada, including what they choose to fill their prams with (above).

...this was all part of the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal's latin quarter.