Just noticed your comment, bb. Don't recognise the words - yours? By the way, behind and to the right of me in that pic, is the little corner which will eventually become our audio-visual cum hi-fi nook. More like a nooklet, really. Eventually, we'll have brand noo doors too; whatever will people say then?
We were going to change the name of the blog to New York, London, New Kasama and Toronto, Melbourne, Norfolk, Newcastle, Glossop, Budapest and Sweden but once you've picked the name you've got to keep it. Anyway, it might not have fitted on the page...
Even if you don't happen to live in New York, London or New Kasama, we know you are interested in what's happening in our ever expanding and diverse family. So sign up and post a message detailing what's going on in your neck of the woods.
Come here mama...
and dig this crazy scene
it ain't too fancy....
but the line is pretty clean
he ain't no bore,
Papa's got a brand new floor!
Just noticed your comment, bb. Don't recognise the words - yours? By the way, behind and to the right of me in that pic, is the little corner which will eventually become our audio-visual cum hi-fi nook. More like a nooklet, really. Eventually, we'll have brand noo doors too; whatever will people say then?
check out http://www.funky-stuff.com/jamesbrown/Lyrics/PapasGot.htm
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