Saturday, July 28, 2007

New Contacts

We're (finally) online now in Toronto so up and skyping again, so you can get hold of us by:
  1. Skyping us on skype name dylanbould (free!)
  2. Calling 020-8123-8727 (UK/local rates) we will only get the call if the computer is turned on, which will probably be most of the time we are in anyway, but you can leave answerphone message
  3. Text us on 00-1-647-834-2203 (Dylan) or 00-1-647-832-1807 (Chil) and we'll call you back if we are at home, we have very cheap outgoing calls
So now you've got no excuse! Of course if you just want to drop round we're at

25 The Esplanade, Unit 2008,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5E 1W5.

Thanks to everyone who's sent us housewarming and aniversary cards and birthday greetings to Chil.

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